Pascal Bellot, child of Lorraine, is an artist among whom the talent and the creative energy rise in the work of the materials, the volumes and in the meetings with other artists, and during his workshops at "du Coq à l’âne".
Self-taught artist, Pascal sculpts, assembles, add patina and restores old furniture. He works tastefully and with passion iron, wood, plaster, stone, slate, paints, coat and pigments for 25 years.
His attachment in the Lorraine is translated by the choices of local materials, like stone of Jaumont (extracted over former iron mines and which is characterized by its yellow color generated by the iron oxide), and the stone of Euville (a white limestone exploited in Meuse).
Pascal's works are eclectic and crossed by artistic movements inspired by the fauvism, the tribal and ethnic art. You'll recognize the inspiration of the "Ecole de Nancy" and of the Art deco in his mosaics, ironworks and the flora there. Other particuliarity, his work on the iron. Pascal proceeds to ingenious assemblies in which the weld is totally absent. .
Tuned to his intuitions, and to his meetings with materials, as floated wood, limestone, savonnière, pebbles or still slate, Pascal strives to test, "to grope" as he likes saying to create and finalize alive works which he diverts, restores, updates in purposes so ornamental as functional.
Pascal likes restoring life in the old wood of the floor of the house, in the former pulleys of the stable, in the pokers of the baker's oven and proposes surprising diversions.
So, nothing gets lost, everything is reborn!
Pascal also participates in numerous exhibitions in of Lorraine, set-up storekeepers' showcases and chiefly excels in the art of transmission through his workshops.